At Cherokee Breast Care, we provide advanced procedures to diagnose and treat breast cancer for all patients. Here's an overview of the services we offer:
A breast biopsy helps evaluate abnormalities found on a mammogram or a lump that seems benign. Sometimes, a radiologist may guide the process using wire localization on the morning of the procedure.
If there’s a concern with a breast duct, such as abnormal discharge, a duct excision may be recommended. This procedure removes the affected duct, often guided by ultrasound or imaging with dye.
Also known as breast-conserving surgery, a lumpectomy removes the affected part of the breast tissue while preserving as much as possible. Many patients will undergo radiation therapy after healing.
A mastectomy removes all breast tissue, and reconstruction options will be discussed with your surgeon. In most cases, reconstruction can happen during the same procedure. Drains may be placed to prevent fluid buildup as you heal.
After having a mastectomy, many women choose to have reconstructive surgery. Federal law mandates that insurance companies must cover reconstruction for women having surgery for breast cancer. In many cases, reconstruction can be done at the same time as the mastectomy. While Dr. Strickland will discuss breast reconstruction in general with all mastectomy patients, she will refer you to a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss the options for reconstruction in detail.
For cases where cancer has spread to multiple lymph nodes, this procedure removes lymph nodes from the underarm area. Post-surgery care includes physical therapy to prevent complications like nerve damage or lymphedema.
This minimally invasive procedure checks if cancer has spread to underarm lymph nodes. A tracer or dye is used to locate the first lymph node for removal during surgery. Temporary skin or urine discoloration from the dye is normal.
Your care plan is personalized to your needs, with clear guidance and support every step of the way. We’re here to answer your questions and help you make informed decisions about your health.